[buddy search] we'll carry on~!

phantom of the black parade
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Part of the Furniture
Kuroya Avatar
at this, the world's end, do we cast off tomorrow~!
Honestly I feel like an absolute disorganized mess right now because just. This is not the template layout I would have wanted for this (I would have preferred to tab things, I just... don't know how to do tabs on Proboards), and I know this is an absolute disaster zone because it's a buddy request, which means it's straddling the areas between "site search" and "want ad" most of the time. And all of this is further not helped because I had a lot of things I wanted to be super transparent about ahead of time and just. Like I said. Absolute. Disorganized. Mess. So. Please just bear with me and understand that I'm trying my best, thank you.

Like I said, this is a buddy request - that means that I'm looking for people who are willing to come over and gently take me by the hand and want to rp with me specifically on a specific site somewhere. Because i am a tired depressed tall child who just does not have the energy to try to go through the process of trying to cultivate a new group of rp friends after three plus years of being pretty MIA and has become far too demotivated to keep up with trying to integrate myself into a site in spite of the various exclusionary behaviors that do not jive well with my other responsibilities and general emotional exhaustion.

Anyway. Let's get into the meat of this.

about me

Hi there! My name is Kuroya! I'm 24 years old, use she / her pronouns, and have been roleplaying since 2012. I'm pretty generally an absolute disaster and honestly I don't know what else to put here to describe myself other than that I am very gay and I both do and don't have a lot of time on my hands (I'm largely unemployed because of RL issues but I also tend to pick up a lot of commitments in RP so it can make me really scattered and busy), and I'm usually just a small puppy dog who is trying her best to keep moving forward in spite of all of the difficulties I have to face.

As far as actual RP preferences go... I tend to really prefer more light-hearted, fluffy, casual things and more slice-of-life style sites over more heavy, conflict-driven, angsty, or plot-driven stuff. I'm generally a pretty big sucker for romance, though I also really like "found family" type plots as well and I'm definitely not opposed to some angst or drama in my plots, I just... don't like it to be the constant driving thing for all of my threads and plots, y'know? I definitely prefer having a direction for my plotting over something more generic or more in the vein of "we'll see where things go!", and these days, I usually aim for actually liking the plots I'm gonna be playing out over just... doing it for the activity. For my character rosters, I tend to play a lot more males than females, and I generally enjoy playing MxM ships, although I'm not opposed to playing girls for ships with either gender - I just don't tend to default to playing straight males because I'm not a fan of a lot of the common tropes and it's hard for me to get invested in a lot of heteronormative stuff (which, on that note, I am a big fan of polyships, but I don't play cheating plots cuz yikes).

I'll also disclose that, as might be expected, I tend to get pretty over-committed to things and my time management skills are generally pretty crappy, so I'm not really a fast poster. It's not uncommon for threads to go a month or two between replies, and that's just... an unfortunate reality for me. Obviously I'd extend the same courtesy to my partners since as long as we're both cool with things and know the other is around, I generally don't have an issue with waiting as long as my partner's general pace isn't more or less "I post once in a blue moon and disappear again into the ether afterwards", if that makes sense? As you might imagine with that, I definitely do better in more relaxed and casual sites than one with a lot of pressure to post and mountains of activity, though I can deal with it as long as I'm allowed to more or less exist in my corner and ignore everything else around me without getting in trouble.

I'm also a firm supporter of Jcink master race and I especially like Jcink Premium because being able to write mature content if I want is a godsend, so uh. Yeah. That's a thing I guess?

join me on a site

My general preferred option for an RP buddy would be for finding some friends who want to exist with me on specific sites that I'm already part of - it's just generally a lot easier for me (since I obviously don't have to worry about having trouble integrating on the site or anything like that) and all that. And while, yeah, there's some certain very specific plots I would love to have picked up and filled out like for want ads, at the same time, I'm absolutely down to just... have some people who are interested in having a friend who wants to figure out some threads and plots with them and generally help them get invested on a new site.

Unfortunately, at the moment, I don't actually have a specific animanga site that I'm on and part of. I have a semi-private animated panfandom in the works (the details of which can be found in this interest check thread), but sadly, due to my current other time commitments and the general issues that come with trying to solo build out a site on your own, I can't really give any kind of solid, concrete timeline for when you can expect to see it. (It will be a thing though, even if it takes me a small eternity to make. I can guarantee this. It's just a matter of when.) I know I'm going to be making pre-Nibelheim Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII), post-canon Mello (Death Note), post-Cheshire-arc Cheshire (Pandora Hearts), post-game chrobin!Lucina (Fire Emblem: Awakening), post-game Ravio (Legend of Zelda: Link Between Worlds), post-Advent-Children Reno (Final Fantasy VII), and pre-Headhunter-arc Ernest Nightray (Pandora Hearts) and that I'm going to be wanting to make pre-campaign Nobunaga or Mitsuhide (Pokemon Conquest), post-canon Alois Trancy (Kuroshitsuji), post-canon-slightly-au Edward Elric (FullMetal Alchemist), and post-Heavensward Aymeric de Borel - but like I said, I have no idea when this is going to be an actual concrete thing with an actual concrete site for us to have actual concrete threads, so how much I can pursue any specific or general ships or plots, as it were.

If/When this changes, I will update it accordingly, but for now, this is where things stand and it kind of just... is what it is. (But also, if you don't mind rping with RL faceclaims, I would love to have some friends on either of my two Marvel + DC sites in my signature, oops.)

recruit me to a site

Okay. I will disclaim right off the bat here that honestly, I'm really super picky about sites I'm willing to join, so to that extent, honestly, I'm not really expecting to end up joining someone else's site. It's not impossible of course, but it's so very improbable that I feel the need to warn you of that ahead of time. And I'll definitely say that it's not what I'm really looking to do, so y'know, be aware of that if this is the path you're wanting to take with me.

From here I'm gonna put this under a spoiler since it got pretty long and I want to try to make sure the emphasis stays on the actual buddy search part of this search instead of it becoming a potential recruiting opportunity because I've seen a lot of people treat these kinds of ads that way, which, yikes. So uh. Under the spoiler it goes.

These days, I don't even really consider a site unless it is 1) hosted on Jcink (preferably Jcink Premium with mature content available), 2) no word count of any kind (whether actual words or sentences/paragraphs), 3) animanga faces only with no optional / mixed faces (since I'm not really looking for another RL site right now), 4) has a freeform app with no personality or appearance sections of any kind and super basic info areas (aka no personality tests or likes/dislikes or extended families or whatnot), 5) is fairly relaxed on requirements for additional characters (so as to be fairly flexible for characters in plotting deserts though also please don't have a whole bunch of people with 15+, 20+ characters each since I don't wanna struggle trying to find alternate faces if mine are taken), and 6) asks for at most one post per character per month that's made at any point during the month (but honestly, I prefer lower standards since I don't like stressing about whether or not my partners have replied or feeling pressured to get into threads I don't care for just to stay "active"). So y'know. Hard limits.

Outside of that, I generally prefer sites that have a more relaxed atmosphere (like I said in my little bit about me, I like being in communities that are more casual about posting and aren't going to get upset if someone takes a bit longer to reply) and I definitely prefer sites that are going to be welcoming to new members especially if those new members aren't super mega active in the site chat or making a character that's in the absolute middle of everything. On the flip side, I tend to dislike more plot-driven, stat-based, or lore-heavy sites just because it's not really my cup of tea (I really like being able to sit in my corner and have nice things without worrying about wider stuff intruding on that), and I do really poorly on sites or communities where the atmosphere is fairly heteronormative or where it's hard for you to get plots and/or endgame relationships if you're playing a character outside the "usual demographic" regardless of gender or sexuality (in other words, I don't want to be punished because I made a lesbian or a transgendered character since those two demographics tend to be the ones who most commonly see this kind of bias or because I made a straight character on a primarily homosexual site or a gay male on a primarily straight site).

As far as site genres goes... I tend to pretty strongly favor romance-oriented sites and/or "modern fantasy" sites (which I'll throw in supernatural + mythological in there to cover my bases). I'm probably going to lean towards original sites over fandoms just because most of my fandoms are older and I'm p useless for most of the more common fandom sites because I'm just not familiar with the series - but if you want some of the fandoms for what I've RPed on in the past and would be down for again if the layout is right, that would be Pokemon + Digimon (I'm super picky on systems though), SAO-styled sites (again, I'm picky on systems), Harry Potter (non-school-based though), Loveless, Fire Emblem, and Final Fantasy XIV. As far as genres I dislike playing goes, I usually tend to dislike more futuristic / sci-fi type sites, school-based sites, apocalyptic / grimdark sites, historical settings, sites with super huge settings (ie, region-based Pokemon sites), and then purely slice-of-life "real life" sites (aka things where you're rping a normal person doing normal person things with no other "flavor" to it). I'll also lay out on the table that I'm gonna say I absolutely am not down for joining any sites where I'm otherwise involved with the genre (in this case, animated panfandoms and superhero sites) just because I don't want to get burnt out on the genre with the sole exception being a well-made animated panfandom in a pokemon setting oops.

Provided the site would fit into...... essentially, all those things under the spoiler (like I said, I'm super picky and I'm not really super looking to join a site, so it's a pretty long shot, but it's not something that's entirely off the table, so I'll leave it there just in case), I'd be down for being persuaded to settle on a site if there's someone who's down for pitching me some really specific thing they want to do with me and that I'd be excited to do (basically, think of it as if you were pitching a plot or character to a friend that they ended up picking up so you didn't have to do a want ad for it) and who is going to be interested in actually threading with me specifically and for helping me integrate more widely into the site through feasible connections with other characters. Since like I said. I'm looking for a buddy, not a site, since I'm far too burned out on joining a site and ending up with no real investment a month or two down the road because what few plots I have are largely insubstantial and fairly generic and the possibility of that situation shifting seems largely unlikely.

play with me in general

The last option for things to work out would be to more or less. Throw the concept of a cohesive unified universe via a normal site right out of the window and instead embrace the chaos of 1x1 or small group rps on a multigenre sandbox site, and to that end, I do maintain an account on Explicit Content, which is an 18+ sandbox site on Jcink Premium. And while it's definitely not my priority because I'm just not organized and I generally prefer to have wider universes than something that's just a 1x1 thing, there's some things where I recognize that I'm just not going to find a site for them ever, so I'd settle for just being able to have some nice things for them in a limited setting.

And what are these things that I'm never going to find a site for? Well. I'd honestly love to do some Fire Emblem: Awakening things for my humanized Falchion (who is very gay for both Chrom and Marth and also loves all of the children as his small ducklings and was sent back in time after everything went wrong in his timeline because he was only given human form after Chrom died) or his two children, a tiny humanized Parallel Falchion (she is a flower child and I love her) and a jaded humanized Levin Sword (he's Gangrel's sword and has a good chip on his shoulder). I'd also really love to be able to do something with some of my humanized Chains from Pandora Hearts (I play Leon, Bandersnatch, Dormouse, and both a male and a female Mad Hatter), whether against other humanized Chains or against actual series canons, or I'd love to be able to play my humanized Foxy concept from the earlier Five Nights at Freddy's things (because with every game, Scott confirms him as less canon) with other FNaF characters. And I know I would be over the moon to be able to play some of my Final Fantasy XIV characters (especially if I can get some sweet fluffy romance for them) just in general, so if you'd like to play against a quiet little amnesiac gay male miqo'te arcanist-turned-bard and/or a grumbly spunky powerful bi female au'ra black mage, hey, just hit me up.

Outside of that, well. I'd be up for playing some of those other assorted canons from the animated panfandom (at least until I get the site together) or trying to actually play some of my old OCs that I never got to really do their plot concepts. Like my gay cop who had a giant crush on the hot fireman (using Cloud Strife and Squall Leonhart) or my humanized Excalibur who fell for Arthur and rebounded with Arthur's other sword until Mordred stole it and it was a tragic disaster (using Ganymede and Apollo from Olimpos) or my direwolf noble who was the last of her line and gets her little world upended when the descendant of her king shows up and starts courting her (I used Holo from Spice and Wolf for her) or my childish actual fairy godmother who had her husband the actual prince charming from her storybook (I used IA from Vocaloid for her) or even my "too powerful to control his own magic" warlock YouTuber who I want to expand outwards (I used Sasuke Uchiha from Naruto for him). Or picking up some new characters if the plot premise is really good and gets my juices flowing. I have options tbeh.

parting words

I think this is. Pretty thorough by this point so uh. If you're interested, please shoot me a PM (since I'm super disorganized and spotty, so that will just keep me a little more organized that I might be otherwise), and I'll definitely thank you for getting this far because like I said at the start, I know this is super disorganized and it turns the absolute novel that this is into something that's even longer and more intimidating. So uh. Yeah. Thanks again, and I look forward to hearing from you!
last edit on Nov 26, 2019 23:00:51 GMT by Kuroya